Fun Food Taiwan award aims to showcase Taiwan’s innovative food products that are fun and align with global trends for consumers worldwide. The award is a joint effort by the Food Industry Research and Development Institute (FIRDI), Industrial Development Bureau (IDB), and food associations in Taiwan.
Core values of the award-winning products align with global trends: clean, design, and sustainable.
扣合全球趨勢,臺灣食品產業不斷在優秀的基礎上翻新創造,財團法人食品工業發展研究所與經濟部工業局及國內相關食品公協會共同努力,秉持「用評選給舞臺,用案例說故事,用亮點行銷臺灣」的精神及行動,2020年開始籌劃及推動「新味食潮FUN FOOD TAIWAN」的評選及產業新價值引領。